
Bell Super 3r Helmet With MIPS For Kids – Review

When our 11 year old’s last helmet met its untimely demise in a Moab parking lot last fall, we had to get a new one in a jiffy.  Standard helmets cushion the skull (and the brain beneath it) from bumps and bruises. But if you’re serious about mountain biking, you need a helmet with proven features and durability – like the Bell Super 3-R MIPS helmet. What Does “MIPS” Mean On The Bell Super 3r Mountain Bike Helmet?  The “MIPS” in the name stands for Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. This means that the helmet is designed to withstand many different types of forces. The MIPS protector sits inside of the shell of the helmet. It’s a thin, inner basket that rotates as needed upon impact. Since the helmet also has an outer shell to protect against blows to the head, the addition of the MIPS provides a second layer of protection. There’s a layer of X-Static padding in there as well, making the helmet comfortable to wear. PRICE $229.95 USD CL